Best of 09 – Day 10

Album of the year. What’s rocking your world?


I have nothing. Unless Sing Along with Putamayo Kids counts.

My first boyfriend was a drummer and sound guy. I used to see live music all the time. I used to listen to music all the time. I love music.

But life has changed a lot recently.

Now when I drive, which is much less often, I tend to use the silence as a way to drop into myself and connect with the bigger picture of my life. When I run, I use my breath as meditation and a mantra as my music. When I’m home, if there’s music on it tends to be classical or very kid-friendly. Our iPod is as old as the hills and we haven’t figured out how to transfer the music to the new computer(s) so we never use it. I can’t have music on when I read or write – I get too distracted. So there’s not a lot of room for it right now. The songs that float through my head in the middle of the night tend to go something like “Bling Blang hammer with my hammer, Zingo Zango cutting with my saw”.

I think it’s time for a change. I’m kinda feeling like some John Hiatt might do me some good right now.

It’s been a slow turnin’
From the inside out
A slow turnin’
But you come about

Slow learnin’
But you learn to sway
A slow turnin’ baby
Not fade away

– from Slow Turning by John Hiatt.

~ by Alana on December 10, 2009.

One Response to “Best of 09 – Day 10”

  1. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

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